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DreamReaper_Blood of Kaos Series Book II Page 16

  “She is my wife.” Dar raised an arm to push her away.

  “Not for long,” Midir said, cutting deep into Dar’s forearm.

  Blood flowed as Dar’s free hand dove into the silver locks. Twisting her around, he ripped the knife from her hand and brought it to her throat. “Tables turned, brother. What will you do now?”

  Certain he had the upper hand, he yanked her head to the side. An icy blue glower, sparked with flashes of violet, killed his desire to laugh. A sharp pain shot through his foot and he dropped the knife, an elbow to the belly doubling him over. In seconds, he was face down on the floor after a blow to the back of the head.

  He flipped onto his back, facing a pissed off Etain, her chest heaving and eyes flashing. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? I damn well know I’m your wife, but I may rethink it if it’s gonna be like this.”

  He could only think of one thing to say. “Midir...”

  “Midir?” Incredulous, her voice rose. “That one’s getting old, Dar.”

  “He had a knife.”

  “What knife?” His eyes followed as she stormed to the table, extracting the blade from its surface. “You mean this one?” She marched back and crouched before him, waving the weapon in his face. “The blade of your father?”

  He flinched, as though she had slapped him. “You… he sliced my throat,” he said, touching the base of his neck, feeling only smooth skin. He looked at his hand, free of blood, then up at her. “He… You cut me.” Dar turned his arm to show her the injury.

  “There are no marks, Dar.” She swatted his hand away. “Why would I do such a thing? We were making love and, as I recall, enjoying it.”

  “But…” He looked at her belly. It was pristine…no marks, no blood. “I felt it. He cut you. I swear to you, Etain. There was blood.”

  She softened at the forlorn look in his eyes. “What is it?”

  “Help me up.” On his feet, he leaned against the counter, inspecting his arm. “It was Midir.”


  “No. He was here. He came through you. Your eyes were green, like his. Your voice…” He faltered at the memory. “Your voice was his.”

  “He’s dead.”

  “This isn’t the first time he’s done this.”

  “Done what?”

  “Spoken through you.”

  She stepped back. “Huh?”

  “At Sólskin, the first night you and Faux stayed. He couldn’t physically enter my home, so he used you, he spoke through you, claiming you were his emissary.”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “Dar, please don’t bullshit me.”

  “Why would I do that?” He ran a hand over his face. “Like you said, we were enjoying each other. I’d much rather be doing that than this.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about it back then?”

  “You had enough on your plate at the time. If I had told you…”

  She placed the dagger on the counter. “You had a pretty full plate, too.”

  His eyes brightened with sudden tears. “Am I losing my mind?”

  “Oh, baby.” She wrapped him in a protective embrace. He held onto her, afraid to dwell too long on what it could mean. “Is it like what happened before?”

  “This was worse.”

  “When was the last time you slept?”

  “I cannot sleep, a chuisle.” He kissed her forehead. “It’s too dangerous. How can I sleep knowing the visions will come?”

  “Darlin’, the visions come whether you’re awake or asleep.” She framed his face in her hands. “I tell you what. You crawl into bed and get some sleep. I’ll watch over you. Should anything weird start to happen, I’ll wake you.” She placed a finger over his lips when he tried to protest. “You can’t keep going on like this. You must sleep. Get your rest, then we’ll decide on what to do next.”

  They walked into the bedroom and Dar climbed into the soft bed. “Don’t let me sleep long.” His eyelids drooped. “We must go see Alata…” He fell asleep before he finished the sentence.

  She kissed him on the cheek, tucking him in. “You’ll wake when I see fit, and not a moment sooner.”

  Assured he was sound asleep, she slipped on a robe and went to the kitchen. Clearing the mess and setting the chairs straight, she gathered the discarded clothes and boots. An oddity on the kitchen floor caught her eye. In the center of the room lay a curl of her silver hair.

  “Curious,” she murmured, wondering how strands of her hair had ended up on the floor. Shrugging, she tucked it into a pocket. Along the way back to the bedroom, she detoured into the living room for a book, a nice thick adventure that would keep her engaged and awake long enough to allow Dar a restful sleep.

  Early evening turned into night. Etain found it increasingly difficult to keep her eyes open. She nodded off, but was jarred awake when her head hit the side of the wingback chair. This isn’t working. She checked on Dar as she walked to the wardrobe. He was fast asleep.

  Dressing in leathers and a white gauze shirt, she pulled on her boots. “There. Not so comfy now.” Dar stirred as she returned to his side. “Sleep well, my dark knight.” After a soft kiss on his lips, the guard returned to her post.

  Time won in the end. Her eyes closed, and the forgotten book slipped to the floor. Dar stirred again, his lips moving in a silent whisper.

  Etain’s eyes popped open. She scanned the bedroom, seeing things she had not noticed before. Ebony-stained wooden beams crossed the ceiling in contrast to the ivory walls, giving the room a cozy feel. Her chair sat to the side of the largest piece of furniture in the room…a magnificent bed, crafted from twisted pieces of driftwood and dressed in snowy white linens. Her eyes went to the curtained window on the other side of the room. Something about it called to her. She passed the empty bed, giving it a casual glance. Looking out the window, she saw a dark form not too far away. A sudden movement to the left of the dark figure made her turn. Dar? She wondered why he had left her alone.

  Screams ripped her from a peaceful oblivion. She had to shake her head to throw off the unwanted dream, then realized the screams were real. Etain raced to the bed. It was a fight to get him to lie back down. “Dar!” she yelled, trying to catch his flailing hands. “Wake up!” Crawling onto the bed and straddling his body, she finally contained his arms. She shook him in an attempt to slice through the nightmare. “Dar, wake up!”

  In desperation, she slapped him across the face. For a moment, it seemed he had come back to her, but his stare cut her to the core. She saw her death in his golden glare. In a flash, his eyes rolled back into his head and the battle resumed, followed by the horrified screams.

  “Oh, Dar. I don't know what to do.” Tears streamed down her face. “You have to wake up.”

  The struggle made it nearly impossible to gain control of herself. Frantic, she threw a mental message she hoped Inferno would receive and, more importantly, would come running.

  Dar found himself outside, the cold nipping at his bare skin. There was a beacon of light not far away. A window. As he moved toward it, the familiar form of his ladylove came into focus. He waved to her. In the next moment, she was gone, as if someone had pulled her away. Concern for her safety put him in motion, but his legs were heavy as stone. The harder he tried, the slower he moved. He saw shadows gyrating across the walls of the room and feared she was at the mercy of an attacker.

  Determined, he summoned the strength of the demon. His first step proved a disaster when something underfoot made him trip, his nose crashing into the stone surrounding the lighted window, exploding in a spray of blood. Shaking off the shock of the impact, he picked himself up and peered into the room, never considering how he had bridged the distance in one step.

  “Etain,” he whispered, his heart in his throat and blood pouring down his chin.

  Stretched across the bed, the one they shared on their wedding night, soft light shone off her sweat-slicked skin. A man loomed over her. Judging by the seductive smile on her li
ps, she was not afraid. Eager hands reached up, pulling the stranger down on top of her, their tongues entangled in a sexual dance, as his hands roamed over her naked body. His mouth devoured hers, intent on sucking the soul from her body.

  Dar gasped for breath and unconsciously swiped the blood from his face. His mind refused to comprehend what his eyes told him. Despite the cold of the night, sweat ran in rivulets down his body. His hands curled into fists. The breaking of his heart drowned out the sounds from the room.

  “Etain!” He slammed his fists against the glass, bashing at the window with every scream of her name. “Etain!” The glass never cracked, never broke. “Etain!” It never gave a goddamned inch.

  After a long day of single parenting, Inferno eased back in his chair to enjoy a few rounds of ale in the garden with Wolfe and Elfin. Just as he raised the mug to his lips, Etain’s plea rammed into his brain. His hand jerked, splashing the fresh brew down his shirt. The mental impact threw him out of his seat and onto the ground, his mug shattering into pieces.

  Wolfe and Elfin exchanged a surprised look and broke into laughter.

  “Argh! Stop yer infernal cackling and give me a hand.”

  The two jumped up to help, trying not to snicker in the process. “Must be a bonnie mug of ale to knock you on your arse,” Wolfe said.

  Inferno rubbed his aching head. “Wasn't the ale, laddies. It was Etain.”

  Elfin shot Wolfe a knowing look. “Whatever you say, boss.”

  “Arrr, the two of you,” Inferno grumbled, shrugging them off. “She sent me a bloody message straight to me head. Something's wrong up there, but I can't leave with the kiddies here.”

  “Elfin ‘n me will stay here. Go check on our friends. Hopefully it’s not too serious.”

  Inferno nodded his thanks and disappeared in a flash of flames.

  When he appeared at the cottage, he heard screams. Dashing into the bedroom, he found Etain crushed against the wall by a naked Dar, his hands around her throat. Her eyes wide and violet, she croaked, “Inferno.”

  “What the bloody hell?” He rushed at the man and brought all three of them crashing to the floor. Etain shoved her arms between Dar’s and called on her transformation. With her added strength, she forced his hands apart and rolled away. On hands and knees, she gasped for air. Dar took Inferno by surprise with a hit to the side of his head, but the determined Alamir did not let go. He strengthened his grip and hung on. “No ya don’t, laddie boy. You’ll not be getting the best of me.”

  Dar twisted and turned in his attempt to throw him off. Inferno dodged his flailing fists and finally grabbed his wrists, sat square on the man’s chest, and pinned his arms down.

  Etain regained enough breath to speak. “Since Midir’s death…” She coughed and took another gulp of air, “he’s been having terrible dreams, both awake and asleep.” Sitting back, she ran a hand through her hair and rested her elbows on her knees. “I've been able to see some, but this one…” She shook her head. “He won't let me in. I'm totally locked out. I don't know what to do, Inferno.”

  “How long’s he been like this?”

  “Just this evening.” She came closer and sat at his side. “He hasn’t been sleeping, so I told him to lie down while I watched over him.” She bit her bottom lip. “I fell asleep. His screams woke me.”

  One of Dar’s hands broke free and blindly reached out for her neck. Etain fell back as Inferno caught his arm. “Not on my watch, boyo.”

  “Where’s Spirit?”

  “Away, but I doubt she could do anything for him.”

  “She could knock him out with one of her potions. Where did she go?”

  Inferno eyed the girl. “Oh, aye. Well, I can do something about that.” Looking down at the struggling Dar, he pulled back and delivered a perfect right hook, followed by a left.


  “Payback, ya bloody demon.” The convulsions ceased and Inferno slumped back, winded by the fight. “Don’t worry about him. He’s got a head like a rock.” He rolled off Dar, resting on his back. “Spirit’s gone to help Faux.” Etain raised a brow. “Nothing to worry about. We have enough going on here.”

  “Okay. Are you all right?”

  “Aye.” He turned his head, giving her a smirk. “But neither of us will last another round. Can ya shimmer to the house? Maybe Elfin knows of something, him being an elf.”

  “Sure, but we have to get him dressed first. There should be a fresh pair of leather pants his size in the wardrobe.” Etain was already walking over.

  “Leathers? Are ya daft?” Inferno sat up. “How the hell do we get leathers on this oversized mass of demon? Can’t we wrap him in a sheet or something?”

  “He’s the High Lord of Kaos, Inferno. The chieftain of LOKI.” At the wardrobe, she turned to him with a defiant glare. “I don’t care if we have to rip out the seams and sew ‘em back on. He’s not leaving until he’s properly dressed.”

  “No need to yell, lass. We’ll get him dressed.”

  Etain started the process of slipping the leathers over his feet, doing her best to snake the pants up each leg in conjunction with his occasional twitch. The going got harder when it came to his thighs. Inferno stretched out over Dar’s body, just in case he came awake, to help with the process of jigging the leathers over the hips. Suddenly face to face with the Krymerian’s privates, he turned his head.

  “For fuck’s sake. Does the man not wear pants?”

  Etain stopped, breathless. “I’m not going back now. Deal with it.”

  “I’ll deal with it, but ya best not be telling the man, or anyone else, of me introduction to his wee balls and cock.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I won’t if you won’t. Besides…” She took a deep breath and hunkered down, leather in both hands, “Dar wouldn’t take kindly…” She inched the leather ever closer to the product of Inferno’s concern, “to his balls or cock being referred to as wee.” Leathers in position, she wiggled them over his hips, careful to tuck his far from wee privates inside. Etain sat back, pushed the hair from her face, and breathed in again. “I’ll get him buttoned up and you can do the shirt.”

  Inferno wrangled a shirt onto the man with only minor difficulties…a bruise here, a scratch there, nothing that wouldn’t heal in a few days. They noticed his bare feet at the same time, looked to the boots at the door, then at each other.

  “I’ll take him. You bring the boots,” Etain said.

  “Crikey, I won’t argue with that.”

  At last, the High Lord looked the proper dignitary. A bit disheveled, but he was in better shape than his attendants. Inferno helped position Dar in her arms. “We’d best hurry. A sucker punch gets the job done, but ya never know for how long.”

  She looked him in the eye. “I’m scared, Inferno.”

  He draped his arm over her shoulders and gave her a fatherly squeeze. “Don’t worry, lass. We’ll get him straight. See ya at the house.”

  At the Laugharne courtyard, Spirit and Linq appeared at the same time as Inferno. “Good. Yer back,” Inferno hollered, still pumped from the encounter with Dar. “Love, come with me. Linq, find Zorn and bring him to Dar’s room.”

  “What’re you on about?” Spirit tried to pull free from his iron grip.

  “We’re not done with the bleedin’ brother.” He practically dragged her through the house and upstairs. The answer was all too clear when they burst into the room, Wolfe and Elfin walking in behind them.

  “Do you have a potion that will knock him out?” Etain asked, breathless and covered in sweat, sitting on Dar’s chest and doing her best to keep him still. “He's a real handful.”

  “What’s wrong with him?” Spirit managed to get free of her husband and walked to the bed.

  “Spirit, please. Something to give him peace,” Etain pleaded.

  The look in the girl’s eyes set the mage in motion. “Aye, lass. Be right back.”

  She passed Linq on his way in. “I couldn’t find Zorn.”

nbsp; “We’ll worry about that later,” Inferno said. “We need ya here.”

  As the men converged on the bed, Elfin and Wolfe confirmed they’d not seen Zorn since the wedding. Standing on opposite sides of the convulsing Krymerian, Linq and Inferno each took an arm, while Wolfe and Elfin grappled with his legs.

  “We should get him to Nunnehi, Etain,” Linq said. “The War Wizards will know what to do.”

  “War Wizards?” The worried bride shook her head. “No. He’s been through enough already.”

  Spirit returned in a flurry. “I grabbed me Draught of the Living Dead. As big as he is, I'm thinking the stronger, the better.” It took a joint effort by Inferno and Linq to sit him up. Etain assisted Spirit in prying open his mouth and pouring the contents of the vial down his throat. Within moments, Dar quieted and went limp. Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Thank you, Spirit. Thank all of you.” Etain smoothed the hair from Dar’s face. “Rest now, my love. We’ll figure something out.”

  Linq exchanged a look with Inferno and set his jaw. “Etain, he needs help.”

  She kissed Dar’s cheek, wiped her eyes, and slipped off the bed. “How in the hell are War Wizards going to help my husband?”

  “He’s fighting a war he can’t win – not alone. Only powerful magic can combat the ghosts that haunt him. The wizards will know what to do.”

  “Linq,” she said, trying to remain patient. “I don’t understand what’s happening to him. I know it’s bad, but I’ve only just met you a few weeks ago, and have known Alatariel even less.” She put her hands on her hips. “I don’t know what a war wizard is, nor do I know what they’re capable of. So, pardon me if I’m a little less than accepting of your suggestions. I will not take him to a strange place and leave him to a bunch of War Wizards.”

  Linq looked at Inferno for support. “Lass, Linq is an old friend. If he says they can help, they can.”