DreamReaper_Blood of Kaos Series Book II Page 15
“Wake up, sleepyhead. I want to share our first sunrise as husband and wife.”
A sleepy eye opened. “What’re you doing up so early?”
“How can I sleep when I’m married to the most incredible woman I’ve ever met?” Dar plopped down on the bed and flashed his boyish grin. “Come now.” He tugged on her arm. “Let’s watch the sunrise.”
She threw her other arm over her eyes. “You don’t get out much, do you?”
Grin firmly in place, he leaned against the headboard, crossed his ankles and stated in a matter-of-fact tone, “As I see it, you have two choices.”
“You can get up, get dressed, and accompany your loving husband into the garden to view the spectacular sunrise of our first day as husband and wife…” He paused with a devilish purpose.
Etain sighed, her arm still over her eyes. “Or?”
A thrill ran through him to hear the perfect word come from her perfect lips. “Or…” He twisted off the bed, ripped the comforter off her delicious body, tossed it to the floor, and dragged her to the edge. “You can be carried…” He licked his lips, reveling in her shrieks, “naked and delectable, by your loving husband.”
“All right!” She kicked at him, twisting away to free her ankles from his grip. “I’m up.” Begrudgingly, she crawled out of the bed, stretched, and looked around the room. As much as he enjoyed her naked, he offered her his shirt. With a grateful smile, she slipped into it and hugged it close. “Mmm, being wrapped in your smell makes me feel warm and...sexy.” Dar smiled at the erotic sight she posed with the tails of the shirt at mid-thigh. “Although your behavior is somewhat less desirable.”
Dressed only in his leather pants, Dar laughed and linked his arm with hers. “I’m afraid it’s too late, milady. You are stuck with me now…behavior, smells, and all that goes with it.”
“At least you’re easy to look at,” she conceded, laughing with him.
Outside, secure in his arms, she rested her head against his shoulder and watched the first rays of the new day peek over the horizon. He laid his head against hers. “Even the beauty of the dawn pales in comparison to you, my precious one.” His hands came to rest on her belly. “When the time is right, we can start our family.”
Her hands covered his. “Aye, when the time is right, my sweet husband.” She turned in his arms. “I love you.”
It was all he needed.
Once the brilliant shades of morning began to fade, they strolled back into the cottage, hand in hand. “Let’s take a shower,” Etain said, pulling him toward the bathroom.
“Dare I accompany you, milady? My last attempt did not fare well for me.”
“Well, your last attempt was to take advantage of a naïve, young virgin. Serves you right,” she said, laughing.
“Hmph. Certain aspects of that statement are debatable. But, for my own good, I shall not protest at this time.”
“A very wise man, I’d say.”
“Not so wise if you’re able to keep talking.” Giving her a playful push, he followed her into the shower.
Dar soaped her back, admiring how it tapered down to a firm, round bottom as his hands slipped along her curves. Unable to resist, he pressed her body against the glass as he rinsed his hands, then slipped one between her thighs. Her moan encouraged him further.
Their bodies moved in symmetry as he eased his cock into her heat, grinding his teeth in the hopes he could control himself and not climax too soon. Her sighs made the effort more monumental. Her body, slick and hot, bucked against his as he stroked her juicy button, matched only by the powerful thrust of his hips. In time, ragged screams of pleasure filled the small cottage.
Unfortunately, the glass proved less robust than the lovers pressed against its transparent skin. Vibrations rocked the supports from the wall. Consumed in their lustful fervor, the couple didn’t notice until the glass gave way. Dar clasped Etain tight to him with one arm, casting a protective shield of invisible air around them with the other, then twisted his body so she would land on top of him. At the same time, Etain sent out an electrical pulse, shattering the glass. Sparkling bits showered over their safe haven.
Suspended centimeters above the floor, Etain grinned. “I didn’t do it.”
Dar released the cushion of air, scattering the dangerous shards, leaving a clear area beneath them.
“I didn’t do it alone.” He laughed. “Shall we finish our shower and get dressed, my delicious wife?”
“Only if you keep your hands to yourself, my handsome savage,” she chuckled, getting to her feet and offering him a hand.
“Damn. Married one night and already whipped into submission.”
“You love it.” A mischievous light in her eyes, she reached for a towel and attempted to pop his naked butt cheek.
Catching the end of the towel, he pulled her to him and into the shower, careful of any stray glass shards. With a spin, he turned her back toward the running water, giving her a thorough kiss as he sneaked out a hand, turning off the hot water, leaving on the cold. He ran out of the shower to the shrieks of indignation.
“Dar VonNeshta!” she screamed. “You’re racking up a long list of paybacks!”
“And looking forward to each one,” he giggled, grabbing another towel. “But they will have to wait.” In a flash, he disappeared into the bedroom.
He heard her turn off the water and, by the subsequent sounds, imagined her wrapping herself in a towel. Not long after, she shimmered into the bedroom, a death-look on her face.
“Your fine ass is mine, mister.”
“Anytime you please, milady,” he challenged, slapping a still naked butt cheek.
Laughing together, they turned to the oversized wardrobe and discovered an array of clothing that Spirit, in her infinite wisdom, had seen fit to provide. With a look over his shoulder, Dar commented, “Makes you wonder how well the woman knows us.”
Etain picked out a set of black leather top and trousers. “How hard can it be? Black leather on black leather, accented by…black leather.”
Once dressed and the broken glass swept up, the newlyweds shared a light breakfast and spent most of the morning in the gardens. Dar pointed to each of the plants, sharing their common and Latin names. They exchanged ideas on the manor that would be their home…changes Etain would like to see, the hiring of staff, and the prospect of children. Dar was quick to assign the duty of finding staff to Etain. Such things were not his forte. Delegation was where his strengths lay.
“Like I have any experience,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“You have a good judge of character, milady. You’ll do a fine job.”
“You really think you’re getting off that easy? I expect to be plied with more than just pretty words, milord.”
He raised his brows, a glint in his eyes. “Bribery, is it? What form of payment do you have in mind?”
“Not what you’re thinking.” She laughed, taking a step back. “That is not considered payment between husband and wife.”
“How would you know what I’m thinking?” He moved forward and trailed a finger down her arm.
She shrugged away beyond his reach. “That hungry look in your eyes, for starters.”
“Don’t change the subject.” He moved closer.
“I’m not changing the subject. You are.” Another step back.
“I think it’s best.” He followed.
“What is best?” She slid back another foot.
“Changing the subject.” Dar stepped forward, enjoying their life-sized chess game.
Determination shone in her beautiful blue eyes. “No, we are negotiating.”
“Negotiating, is it? I thought we were discussing bribery.”
At this point, she came to the end of the garden path, her backside pressed up against the stone of the cottage.
A grin spread across his face. “Oops. Looks like negotiations have come to an end. Checkmate.”
“Only the path has come t
o an end, not our negotiations.”
“Did I not tell you that this…” Dar indicated the cobbled path on which they were standing, “is the path of negotiation? When two people have walked the path of negotiation to its end, which you and I have, negotiations also come to an end.”
“That was not a negotiation.”
“Oh, I beg to differ. I think I have negotiated with great skill.” He bridged the gap between them with a single step. “I’ll take that bribe now.”
Her hands came up to his chest. “We were discussing my bribe,” she said without conviction.
Dar shrugged, pressing his body to hers. “It’s a win-win situation…” He dipped his head, trailing the tip of his tongue up to her ear, “my fiery vixen.”
She sighed, closing her eyes. “Winning is good.”
The afternoon light sheened over the monolithic black stones in the center of the garden. Dathmet stood between them, his eyes closed, stroking their smooth surfaces as though they were favored lovers. “You will serve me well, my beauties.”
Commander Thamuz, accompanied by his slim-waisted captain, Kromok, waited patiently for the master to acknowledge their presence. Kromok’s brown-eyed glance to his commander conveyed his uncertainty as to whom the master had spoken.
Eyes, black as the stones, popped open and scrutinized the two men. Thamuz and Kromok snapped to attention with a salute.
“Have you news, Thamuz?”
“Harborym has gathered his team. They wait for your orders, milord.”
“Excellent news. It won’t be long now.” Dathmet reached for the rings embedded in the stones and pulled himself up.
Thamuz continued. “The first will be the COL clan. Our man inside tells us the vault is deep below the fortress and is virtually forgotten. Our decoys will be sure to keep the other Alamir occupied while we move in to acquire the stone they hold.”
Pebbles sprayed out when Dathmet’s feet hit the ground. “Why not go for LOKI instead? They’re in turmoil already. Literally falling apart.”
“Agreed. However, the woman who plans to usurp the current chieftain keeps a vigilant watch over the castle. She would be more likely to keep her best warriors close at hand to protect her claim, rather than send them to the human realm. Whichever way it goes, it would be to our advantage to wait until a firm decision has been made.”
Dathmet’s eyes gleamed. “You’re right. We have plenty to keep us busy for now. In time, they will fall like the others and knowing it’s his clan, whether he’s the chieftain or not, will make it all the sweeter.”
Thamuz watched his master walk toward him. “With our decoys in play, the .com clan will answer the call before the others, running off to help COL. None of them will realize what’s been taken until it’s too late.” He couldn’t stop the smirk that came to his lips.
The master nodded. “I see. Good plan, Thamuz. You may go.” Both men saluted. “Not you, Kromok. We have things to discuss.” Commander Thamuz considered the captain with a shrewd eye.
Kromok ignored his inquisitive stare. “I am at your command, milord.”
Dathmet’s sinister grin spread across his fanged teeth. “Thamuz, you are dismissed.”
The commander acknowledged the dismissal with a bow of his head and made a sharp turn. With his back to the master, he glared at the captain and marched off.
Kromok remained at attention, waiting for instructions from his master. “I have a private matter I would like you to handle. Do not discuss it with anyone, not even Commander Thamuz. Do you understand?” Anticipation flamed in Dathmet’s eyes, setting his hair to crackle and dance.
“Yes, milord.”
“A plan is in motion that will soon require my return to the Alamir realm.” Dathmet appreciated the interest in the man’s eyes. “You will discreetly assemble a small company of men and go to a village north of Laugharne Castle called Deudraeth. Locate the local apothecary shop and meet up with Cromorth. His troop is already in the area.”
“Permission to speak freely, milord?”
“Yes. I value your opinion, Kromok.”
The captain relaxed into a natural stance. “Does this have anything to do with the Krymerian?”
“The Krymerian has been neutralized for now. He will not be involved.”
Kromok raised his brows. “I thought he was the target.”
“He is a target, but not in this case.” Dathmet returned to his black statutes. “His time will come soon enough,” he said with a reverent caress of each stone. “My beauties have been neglected far too long.”
“Pardon, milord, but if we’re not after the Krymerian, then who?”
“Someone with the power to bring the Krymerian and the Alamir to their knees.” Dathmet’s crowning glory flashed as though doused with lighter fluid. “Ensure Cloud is among the men who travel to Deudraeth.”
“Cloud?” Kromok could not contain his distaste. “He is little more than a child…and human, at that.”
“Cloud possesses a talent that will serve you well, Kromok.”
The warning in Dathmet’s voice went unheeded by the captain. “A ragamuffin whose loyalties are questionable.”
“You forget yourself, soldier.” Dathmet lashed out with a rope of flame, wrapping it around the captain’s forearm, burning through the sleeve of his uniform and into the flesh. Kromok screamed, grabbing his arm above the elbow. Dathmet’s heart thrilled at the smell of burning flesh, his lips twitching into a seductive smile as he brought the insubordinate captain to his knees. “Collateral in the form of a younger brother removes all question of loyalty. You will take this boy with you and you will use him to our advantage. Remember, you serve me.”
The man bowed his head. “Apologies for questioning your wisdom, milord,” he croaked, his face streaked with sweat and involuntary tears.
Dathmet hissed a calming breath and, with a wave of his hand, the burning rope disappeared. “It will all become clear once you’re in Deudraeth.”
Kromok remained on his knees. “Are there any other accommodations that will be required?”
The blood-colored demon stroked his chin. “None come to mind. Find the apothecary, meet up with Cromorth, and wait for my signal.”
Kromok struggled to his feet. “It shall be done, milord.”
After a superb evening meal, Dar gave Etain one of his many I have an idea looks. Etain pushed her plate away. “Okay. I’m game. What?”
“You stay right there.” Rising from his seat, he cleared the table with one sweep of his arm. Etain gasped, watching the dishes and silver crash to the stone floor. While offering her one hand, he pulled out her chair with the other. Once on her feet, Dar sent the chair skidding across the floor with a single kick, then lifted her onto the table’s edge. She smiled as he unlaced each of her boots and tossed them to the corner.
“Good thing we have a closet full of clothes, a chuisle.”
“What makes you say that?” she asked, swinging her bare feet.
“We’re going to have a little fun.” He removed the dirk from his boot and surprised her by catching one leg and slicing up the length of the leather, then the other, leaving her naked from the waist down. Stepping between her legs, he eased her back and, with expert precision, sheared off each button of her top, pushed it off her shoulders, and down her arms. He leaned into her, relishing the feel of her firm breasts against his chest, and stabbed the blade into the tabletop. His fingers itched to touch her pale flesh, his body vibrating with the need to have this unique woman, his wife. Rather than give in to his lust, he began a sweet assault, laying her back and draping her legs over his shoulders as he trailed kisses along one, then the other.
His deft tongue brought her to the edge of orgasm and backed off only to take her to the edge again. Lost in the heavenly torment, her fingers sought refuge in his blond mane, demanding he take her all the way. He straightened, undid his leathers, and came back with a sharp thrust, entering her
with a force that rocked the heavy table. Her hips firmly encased in his hands, he continued his assault until his moans joined hers. Dar opened his eyes, eager to see the pleasure on her face. However, rather than Etain’s ice-blue gaze, he met one of green.
Amusement danced in the green depths, her red lips turned up in a sneer. He felt her thighs clamp around his hips, imprisoning him within their powerful hold. Horrified, his cock slid free, hanging limp between his legs.
“Come on, brother. Fuck her one more time.”
Dar grabbed her legs, doing all he could to break free. Finally released, he staggered back, reaching for a sword that wasn’t there.
His back to the wall, Dar watched her sit up. “Does she taste as sweet as when I had her, brother?” At the edge of the table, her legs spread, she groped over her naked breasts, taking the time to test the weight of each one, then rolling the pink nubs between her fingers. “What a sensation. To feel what she feels is exquisite,” Midir said, his gaze coming up to Dar’s. “I’ve missed the feel of her flesh next to mine.” The hands caressed their way to her thighs. With a wicked smirk, she dragged her fingers through the wetness between her legs and brought them to her mouth, licking away the stickiness. “Mmmm. VonNeshta cream… The best in the land.”
“Shut up, Midir,” Dar croaked, feeling the hammer of his heart and his stomach churning. “Your lies have no power.”
She reached back, pulling the dirk from the wooden surface. The green eyes glowed bright as she slid to her feet and moved toward him, waving the knife back and forth. “Lies? There’s no need for lies now, my dearest brother.”
Etain glided the blade through her tangled mass of hair. The brothers watched as a tendril of silver drifted to the floor. Midir’s gaze returned to Dar as the blade drew a red line across her stomach. She slinked up to him, blade first, an evil grin distorting her beautiful features as the knife kissed the skin of his throat. Blood welled to the surface. Her naked body pressed to his issued an immediate betrayal of his true feelings.
“Can’t resist, can you?” Midir whispered in his ear, encasing Dar’s erect cock with Etain’s free hand. Dar grabbed her by the wrist. Midir laughed, letting the hand fall away, but the knife hovered over his heart.