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DreamReaper_Blood of Kaos Series Book II Page 13
DreamReaper_Blood of Kaos Series Book II Read online
Page 13
Lord and Lady VonNeshta made it a point to speak to every guest and thank him or her for coming, especially on such short notice. As afternoon faded into evening, Zorn brought in a local band for the night’s entertainment. With the flip of a switch, Inferno transformed the garden into a faerie wonderland.
Etain finally convinced Dar that it was the duty of the newly married couple to have the first dance. When the band began a slow Celtic ballad, Dar was uneasy at first, but soon lost himself in his new bride’s smile, relaxing into the simple steps. It wasn’t long before others joined them on the dance floor. Warmed by the drink and the easy company around him, Dar even tried a jig or two.
Swee found herself swept onto the dance floor by a stranger dressed in black. “I hope you don’t mind, milady. I believe you enjoy dancing as much as I.”
Her head swam as they turned about the floor. “What gives you that impression?”
“By the tapping of your feet. I was certain you were about to break into a solo act.”
“Whether I was or not, I prefer to be asked.”
The dark-haired man laughed. “And I prefer not to be turned down.” Coming close to the happy couple, he turned, whisking Swee toward the other side of the floor. “Summons or invitation?”
Swee blinked. “Excuse me?”
He guided her around the edge of the dance floor, his demeanor as light as his feet. “Were you summoned or invited to this prestigious affair?”
Despite the heat permeating from the man, she shivered. His face was handsome enough, but the emptiness of his black gaze left her with a hollow feeling. “Are you a friend of the bride or the groom?”
She felt like she was floating on air. His smirk brought to mind things she would rather not consider.
“Merely a disinterested traveler passing by.”
“Not many come out this way just in passing.” Others on the floor drifted by shrouded in their individual auras…blues, whites, greens, pinks. “I think it would be the last place for a disinterested person.” Swee shivered again, noticing how his aura shifted between black and reddish black.
“You have me, milady.” He twirled her around. “I am the lowest of the low, a charlatan…a wedding crasher.” His tone mocked her concerns. “Do you think it’s true?”
The more he said, the less she liked this man. Something wasn’t right. She forced her gaze back to the magnetic black holes. “Think what is true?”
“Their happy faces.” Swee stopped the dance with the strange man, but her brain continued to spin. She had to hold onto him for fear of falling. “Are you not enjoying yourself?”
“You don’t belong here.” A flush of heat dried her mouth. Her tongue darted out, licking her lips. “Who are you? What do you want?” Swee scanned the crowd in search of Inferno or Linq, anyone who might know what to do.
Across the dance floor, Zorn stroked his violin in time with the band, all the while watching the interaction between the healer and the stranger. Maybe it was the slicked-back hair or the way he moved, but something was wrong. Zorn looked over the others in the garden. Inferno and Linq were preoccupied in conversation. Wolfe and Elfin were engaged with ladies on the dance floor. No one seemed to notice the unusual man…except for him and Swee.
The strokes to his violin were smooth, giving no indication of his preoccupation with the dancing couple. Slowly, Zorn backed away from the band. Once at the rear, he tucked the instrument behind a large speaker and dashed out into the crowd. He was certain Swee was in trouble.
The mass of dancers made it impossible to cut across the floor. He skirted around to the other side. Hidden in the shadows, he listened to the hissed conversation between Swee and the man.
“Do not make a scene, milady. It will only get someone killed.”
She struggled against his heated grip. “I believe that to be your intention. It can’t be me. I’m no one.”
His guttural laugh made Zorn’s skin crawl. “Don’t underestimate your value, mon petit.”
“Swee.” Zorn stepped out from behind a tree as the two neared the back gate. “You promised me a dance. Surely you aren’t leaving before I’ve had the pleasure.”
“Zorn.” Swee cringed at the tightened grip on her arm, but he recognized a plea in her eyes.
The fiddler dared to step closer. “Take my hand.” His eyes darted to the man behind her. “Today is such a special day. I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind.” He beckoned with a wave of his fingers. “Come on. Just one dance.” She bit her bottom lip, caught between danger and salvation. “Take my hand, Swee.”
Jerked back against the stranger, she stretched her hand out. Zorn took hold and grabbed her forearm. For a moment in time, Swee was the conduit for the evil thing pulling her back. Zorn felt the darkness coursing through her. It threatened to consume his soul, but if he let go, she would be lost forever.
“Swee!” Zorn yelled, tugging with all his might.
She cried out, crashing into him, forcing the air out of his lungs when they hit the ground.
“Are you okay?”
“Stay here.” He jumped to his feet and ran out the gate into the darkness.
Ruby’s ears pricked first, growling as she lifted her head. Felix came up on all fours, tail as stiff as the hairs on his back.
“What’s got yer dander up?” Inferno asked, noticing their strange behavior.
Linq scanned the grounds. “Maybe there’s a stray outside the wall, hoping for a handout.”
Ruby’s chest rumbled, her lips peeled back. White fangs glistened in the faerie lights. In the blink of an eye, the red-haired menace was on the table, poised for attack, facing the back gate. At the same time, Felix jumped over the table, pushing off with his powerful hind legs when he hit the ground. Ruby was in close pursuit, knocking the table into the seated guests. People scattered as the two cut straight across the dance floor and dashed through the gate.
Caught off guard, Inferno fell back and sprawled on the ground. Linq moved just in time, scrambling from his chair before the table crashed over. Goblets, dishes, and silverware clattered to the ground.
“What the bleedin’ hell?” Inferno yelled.
Heads turned and people gasped, surprised by the sudden disturbance.
Linq watched after the galloping wolfhounds and laughed, offering a hand to his friend. “Woe betide the game they chase.”
“To hell with the game. Woe be the wee devils when they come home,” Inferno grunted, dusting off the dirt.
“Shall we go in pursuit?”
“If they aren’t home by morning, we’ll go looking for ‘em then.”
Etain called out, “Are y’all okay over there?”
“Aye. Nothing bruised but me bleedin’ pride.”
Swee clung to the wall as she struggled to her feet. The wolfhound express had forced her back into the shadows when they steamrolled through the back gate after Zorn. She peeked from behind the large tree in search of Dar and spied him laughing in the arms of his beloved Etain, their attention on the hounds’ exit. Unbelievably, no one had noticed her scuffle.
I won’t let this ruin their party. We can discuss it when Zorn gets back.
With shaky hands, she straightened her hair and noticed the bruises beginning to show on her arms. Her energy slipping away, she slumped against the wall. Without a word, the healer quietly made her way around to the front of the castle and up to her room.
After effects
As the guests said their goodnights, Inferno and Spirit pulled the wedded couple aside. Inferno clasped Dar’s hand in his, giving him a wink. Dar felt something cool against his palm.
“There's a small cottage about two miles up the back road. Has all the modern touches. With four kids, ya can't always afford to get away, and ya can't go too far when ya do. We renovated the place to give us a haven when things get out of sorts.” He pulled Spirit close.
“We changed the
linens and stocked the fridge and cupboards. It's not much of a honeymoon suite, but it’ll give you time to be alone,” Spirit said.
Etain hugged her friends. Dar hugged Spirit and shook Inferno's hand.
“Yer family now, Dar, but if I hear even a squeak about our girl being mistreated, I’ll be all over your arse like stink on shit.”
Dar flashed his boyish grin and waved him off. “I only wish I had such a guardian to come to my defense.”
After one more hug from Etain, the bride and groom strolled into the courtyard, leaving the others behind.
“Alone at last.” Dar wrapped her in his arms as she draped hers around his neck. “Do you mind if we travel by horseback instead of walking? I think the feel of your bonnie arse…” He gave said arse an appreciative squeeze, “would be the perfect beginning to our first night as husband and wife.”
“Aye, milord. Let's be quick about it, though. I have an itch that needs scratching, and you have the only scratching post that can soothe it.”
“Tartarus, woman, we won’t make it out of the barn with that on my mind.”
Dar took his bride by the hand and led her toward the stables. “I’m sorry about the rings, my love. In Krymeria, we didn’t exchange rings as a sign of our union. We were bound by blood.” He pulled her along faster. “The ceremony lasted three days. Alas, there are no longer any who can perform it.”
“Alas, if that were the case, I’d be satisfied being really good friends.”
Once in the stables, Dar did a quick search and pushed her into the first empty stall, guiding her back toward the far wall. He claimed her mouth as his nimble fingers inched the skirt of her gown up to her waist, then tore away the delicate undergarments. All the while, Etain worked the fastenings of his pants, eagerly freeing his heated shaft. His hands glided along her thighs, lifting her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, his cock sliding into her wet heat.
“There are no priests…,” he said, breathless, “to bless the blooding…” His steady thrusts were achingly slow. “But it must be done…” Another blissful groan, “to ensure our union is never questioned.”
“Who would dare?” she gasped, caught within his golden caress.
“Sharing our blood at the wedding was a start. This removes all doubt.” A single talon slid out from his knuckles.
The sound brought her back to reality. She reached out, grabbing him by the wrist before he could slice into his shoulder. “Wait a minute.”
Dar cocked his head. “We cannot wait. It must be done.”
“Says who? Your long-dead Krymerian priests?”
His movements stopped, but he remained inside her, pressing her back against the wall. “It is our custom.”
“Well, it isn’t my custom. If what we’ve shared between us isn’t enough by now, then to hell with whoever’s left to care. I’ll not have my beautiful dress ruined for some outdated, barbaric tradition that died out eons ago. Like you said, this is our marriage.”
Dar stared at her for a long moment, then retracted the talon. “You are wise beyond your years, a chuisle.” He smiled. “You’re right. Our marriage, our rules.” His hips began to move again. “As long as you keep this tradition alive…”
Wooden walls scratched her skin, the pain blending with the friction of his cock moving deep inside her. Lost in the passion, she felt his demon angel release, enlarging every aspect of his body, sending delicious sensations through her. Wings spread out from his back, his blood calling to her, demanding more. Her nails dug deep into his flesh as he cried out her name in a shared explosion of ecstasy.
Catching his breath, Dar leaned into her. “You have brought me back to life, my precious lady. I swear we will never be apart.” His knees buckled and he landed on the ground.
Etain yelped in surprise, barely able to save herself from falling on top of him. “Are you hurt?”
“No. Merely overcome.” He looked up into her concerned face. “Will they accept me as family now?”
Etain took his face in her hands. “You are family, my sweet savage. You have earned that right many times in the past few weeks, if not in the years since we met.” A delicate caress of his cheek accompanied a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “How about you saddle the horse so we can get to the cottage?” She offered him a hand up.
Dar gathered himself, fastening his pants, and retracting his wings, but instead of saddling the horse, he swept her into a tight embrace. “Let’s not waste any more time. Do you know the location of the cottage?”
Etain laughed, happy to have him all to herself. “Aye.”
“Shimmer us there.”
Standing before the thatched roof cottage, Dar and Etain shared a quiet moment of appreciation of its quaint beauty. Dar smiled at his bride as he fumbled for the keys, unlocked the front door, and lifted her into his arms, planning to carry her across the threshold.
She giggled, her arms linked around his neck. “Sentimental old fool.”
He grinned. “I am no fool.”
Dar gazed at his new bride, luscious and ready in his arms, then glanced at the door again. Numbers and dimensions ticked through his head.
She laughed. “Do we have a problem?”
Clearly, the door would not accommodate people of their stature. “A slight change of plans.” Dar called upon his version of a shimmer to bypass the small opening.
In the living room, he set her on her feet. “Stay right here. I have something for you.” He dashed out and around the side of the house to the small garden he had seen from the front. He breathed in the sweet scent of roses and other flora, searching for the perfect bloom. At last, a magnificent rose stood out from the rest.
With the stem in hand, he froze. Something moved out of the corner of his eye. Dar did his best to appear nonchalant, reaching for the dagger in his boot. The light of the moon flashed off the blade as he twirled it between his fingers. He made a clean cut of the stem and brought the rose up to enjoy its perfume, his senses scanning the area. Whatever he had sensed before was gone.
He laughed to himself, deciding it was merely his imagination, and turned his focus to the rose. Speaking a small spell, he waved his hand over the bloom. Its dark red petals faded to ice blue, while its center deepened to violet. To match her beautiful eyes. Happy with the results, he returned to the cottage.
“A gift for my bride.”
She smiled, her eyes widening at the sight of the unusual bloom. “Oh, Dar. It’s exquisite.”
“You are exquisite.” He could not resist another taste of her sweetness. “I will grow you an entire garden of roses at Sólskin.” Covetous hands slid over her shoulders and turned her away from him. Her expression reflected her uncertainty, but she did not resist. Elegant fingers took their time in unlacing the silk ribbons down the back of her gown. Careful of the delicate fabric, he gently pushed the dress off her shoulders, lovingly kissing her fragrant skin. “I love your smell…so soft, so seductive.” His lips brushed the back of her neck and along the curve of her shoulder.
The gown slipped down her shapely arms, exposing her pale skin to the waist. She leaned into his heat. A moan from deep inside was lost in the silver mane as he ventured into another exploration of her provocative curves. “My intrigue…” At her hips, he jerked her hard against him, “that I cannot solve.” The dress puddled to the floor as she drew his head down, taking his mouth. Dar circled his open palms over her taut nipples, enjoying the sensuous tickle of the hard nubs against his flesh. He rolled a pink tip, darkened by desire, between thumb and forefinger, while his other hand explored the heat between her thighs, inhaling her soft moans. “You are pure intoxication.” Fingers, damp with her juices, trailed up to her lips.
Etain turned to him, her eyes heavy with passion. Taking his hand in hers, she kissed his palm then lowered it to his side as she pressed her lips to his, trailing her fingers down the front of his shirt. She then worked her way back up, slowly releasing each button. Impatient, Dar tried to assist.
“No,” she whispered, batting his hands away. After the last button slipped open, she pushed the fabric over his broad shoulders, letting him finish the job with a shrug, shirt and vest falling to the floor. Appreciation for his lean, muscular frame, sculpted to perfection by years of wielding a heavy blade, shone in her eyes.
His belt came next, left to dangle from its loops as each strained button of his leather pants slid through its mated opening. Once they were conquered, she guided the leathers to the floor, helped him to step out, and cast them to the side.
Naked before one another for the first time as husband and wife, they faced each other, yet did not touch. For the moment, they basked in the magnificence of their spouse. Anticipation vibrated between the couple, as though it were their first time to make love.
Etain reached out. “My husband,” she whispered, tracing the outline of his strong shoulders and trailing over the mark on his smooth chest. Her tongue soon followed, teasing him with light flicks of his erect nipples, pushing the small bud back and forth between her teeth, making him shiver. Greedy hands traveled south, her touch light, electric. This time, the gasp came from his lips.
Etain whispered into his ear, her breath hot and teasing. “You are a beautiful man in every way, my love.”
She kneeled before him. Surprised by her move, he nearly dropped to the floor from the tremors bubbling up into his belly. Her mouth was hot, hungry, her swirling tongue driving him to near madness. Helpless, his hands dove into the silvered mass of her hair.
“My lady…,” he growled. As delicious as it felt, he pulled back before he lost all control.