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DreamReaper_Blood of Kaos Series Book II Page 12
DreamReaper_Blood of Kaos Series Book II Read online
Page 12
Dar was at the altar, blond hair neatly plaited down his back, dressed in a black leather vest over an ivory shirt with billowing sleeves closed at the cuff. Black leather boots finished with silver accents along their tops rode low on his powerful thighs over black leather pants. On his hip was a beautiful scabbard, the hilt of the sword inside just visible. From those sitting nearby, she overheard that the sword was named Day Star, made in honor of his bride-to-be. Swee sighed at the striking groom. Etain, you are a lucky woman.
Next to the groom, and nearly as tall, was an elf clad in a deep blue velvet tailored jacket. She thought him rather unusual and savage, mainly due to his hairstyle. Most of the elves she knew wore their hair either loose or plaited, much like Dar’s. However, this elf had his head shaved with a wide strip of blond hair from his forehead to the base of his skull and streaming down his back in a banded tail. Swee decided this elf was someone she must meet.
Beyond the groom and his intriguing best man stood the priestess, ethereal in airy layers of pale blues and purples, looking confident and serene.
Melodic strands of Pachelbel's “Canon in D Major” filled the air, performed by a string quartet with a finely dressed Zorn in the first chair. Dar turned with the others, watching as the procession rounded the corner. Spirit led the way, followed by Inferno, dapper in his own leathers and purple shirt, his arm intertwined with a vision. A nervous smile curved her lips, but her eyes sparkled.
A collective gasp ran through the audience. Dar felt his heart skip a beat, and beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The memory of their first encounter flashed through his mind. Not in all the days since then had he ever dared to dream of a day such as this. His eyes met hers and the world fell away. There was no one else. Dar sent her a heartfelt message of love and reassurance. Etain answered with her beautiful smile.
Once at the altar, the music faded, and the priestess blessed the couple with a warm smile. “You are Etain,” she stated, her voice pitched so only they would hear. Then she turned to the groom. “And you are Dar. I am Anu. I usually do not perform this ceremony on such short notice…” She held out a hand to Etain and one to Dar. “But as Spirit is a dear friend, and Inferno so…insistent, I have agreed…with provisions. Please, join hands with me and each other.”
Dar gave Etain a wide-eyed look. She bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling and squeezed his hand.
Connected within the circle, the priestess closed her eyes and spoke a language neither Etain nor Dar understood. They felt her energy mesh with theirs; exploring, investigating, and testing their bond. Her presence did not feel invasive. She did not judge, nor did she leave any trace of her energy behind. When her eyes opened, her smile reflected the love shared between Dar and Etain.
“The history between you is rich and full. Your future will prove even more so. Never doubt one another for it is the love you share that makes you strong, will keep you strong, and binds you together.”
She raised her voice to address their guests. “We have come together in celebration of the joining together of Lady Etain and Lord Dar. The law of life is love unto all beings. Without love, life is nothing. Without love, death has no redemption. If we learn only one thing in life, let it be this.
“As with any aspect of life, marriage has its ups and downs, its trials and triumphs. With full understanding of this, Dar and Etain have come here today to be joined as one. Etain, do you come of your own free will to be joined with this man?”
She smiled at her groom. “Aye. I do.”
“With who do you come and whose blessings accompany you?”
“She comes with me, Inferno, her guardian, and her family’s blessings.”
“Inferno, thank you.”
He shared a smile with the couple and joined the other guests.
The priestess continued. “Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. As time doth pass, remember... Like a stone should your love be firm, like a star should your love be constant. Let the powers of the intellect guide you in your marriage, let the strength of your wills bind you together, let the power of your love and desire make you happy, and the strength of your dedication hold you together. Have patience with one another for storms will come, but they will pass. Be free in giving affection and warmth. Have no fear and let not the ways of the unenlightened give you unease. Dar, only you have the right to bind yourself to Etain. If it be your wish, say so at this time and place your ring in her hand.”
Dar looked at the priestess, who looked back in expectation, then at Etain. “It is my wish, but…” He shrugged, “I have no ring.”
Spirit muttered, “The bloody rings.” She glared at her husband, who was in charge of that small detail.
A feminine voice rose over the mutterings of the group. “Perhaps I can be of assistance.”
Ruby whimpered and Felix barked, both dogs straining against the tight holds Wolfe and Elfin had on them. The wedding party turned. A tall, slim woman with long auburn hair, clothed in a gossamer emerald dress, walked down the aisle. By her side was a small boy with the same color hair, carrying a package topped with an ivory pillow. Halfway down the aisle, the woman’s gaze met Etain’s, making her pause. The small boy looked up at the woman, then tugged on her dress. The spell broken, she gave him a smile, and they continued toward the couple.
Although Etain had no idea who this woman was, she noted Dar’s relaxed stance and a glint of recognition in his eye.
“Greetings, High Lord,” the woman’s voice was warm and low-keyed. He released Etain to take this strange woman's offered hand and brushed a kiss atop the knuckles.
“Alatariel, this is an honor,” Dar said.
Who the hell is Alatariel? Although annoyed by the interruption, Etain smirked at her own poetic insight.
“I could not miss your special day, Dar. Now, introduce me to your beautiful lady.” She turned to the bride.
“Alatariel, this is my Etain.” He took Etain’s hand in his again. “Etain, this is Alatariel, Queen of the Elves.”
Bloody hell. Queen of the Elves? Etain tried to keep a calm expression, but the smile on the queen’s face told her she had failed miserably. At least she remembered to curtsy. “An honor, Your Highness.”
“It is I who am honored, Lady Etain.” She bowed her head in a show of respect. “To capture the heart of a warrior who has not loved in over one hundred years takes an exceptional woman.”
Etain felt the burn of a blush in her cheeks, yet could not help but think, What’s your story then?
“I hope you don't mind. I’ve come with gifts.” Alatariel gave Dar a disapproving look. “I'm not surprised you forgot the rings. You were never one for such details.” She tilted her head to the elf. “Be sure to thank Linq once this is over.” Turning to the cherub-faced boy at her side, she lifted the pillow. “These rings I give as a blessing upon your union.”
Each platinum ring had three stones embedded on its surface. Alatariel pointed to the stone on the far right. “This is the birthstone for Lady Etain, a perfect peridot. It symbolizes love, truth, faithfulness, and loyalty.”
Etain said nothing but wondered at her source of information. Birthdays were not a subject she and Dar had ever discussed, nor had she discussed it with anyone else in this realm, not even Spirit or Inferno. Due to the circumstances of her induction into the Alamir, her birthdays - the date of her human birth, as well as her Alamir birth date - had become sad reminders of her lost family.
“The one to the far left is Lord Dar's birthstone, an exquisite multi-faceted diamond. It symbolizes love, purity, honesty, and fidelity. The stone in the center represents the two as one. A rare gem created by the union of these two magnificent stones.” Her attention returned to the couple. “Each carries its own beauty and strength and can easily stand alone. However, when bound together, the strength of two join as one. May this unique pairing represent the love you share and serve as a reminder that, together, you are the strongest you will ever be.”
Dar picked up the larger ring. “Thank you, Rie,” he whispered to the queen, placing the ring in the palm of Etain’s right hand. “It is my wish.”
The priestess resumed the ceremony. “Etain, only you have the right to bind yourself to Dar. If it be your wish, say so at this time and place your ring in his hand.”
Etain grasped Dar's right hand, placing the smaller ring in his palm. “It is my wish.”
Alatariel bowed her head and, with her escort, returned to their seats.
“Dar, if you wish Etain to be your wife, place the ring on her finger.” Dar slid the ring onto the third finger of her left hand. “Repeat after me,” the priestess instructed. “I, Dar VonNeshta, by the life that courses within my body and the love that resides within my heart, take you, Etain Rhys, to my hand and my heart as my chosen one. I promise to love you wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we will meet and love for eternity. I will not seek to change you in any way. I will respect you, your beliefs, and your ways as I respect myself.”
After he repeated the words, the priestess addressed the bride. “Etain, if you wish Dar to be your husband, place the ring on his finger and repeat after me.” Sliding the ring onto the third finger of Dar's left hand, she recited the vows as instructed.
The priestess lifted a crystal chalice, blessed the wine within, and handed it to Dar. “Two come together as one to drink from the vessel of love.”
Dar lifted the chalice to Etain's lips, who smiled, hoping she wouldn’t dribble on her beautiful dress. After a sip of the heady red wine, she took the chalice and held it to Dar’s lips. With a wink at his bride, his hand covered hers. “Just to be sure.” Etain rolled her eyes as he finished the wine, then handed the chalice to Anu.
Linq pulled a dirk from his belt. Etain watched her husband offer his left hand to the elf. The point of the blade scored deep across his wrist, leaving a dark line of emerging blood. She soon felt the burn of the blade on her left wrist. Dar pressed hers to his, and Linq bound them together with a strip of white linen.
“Say the words as I say them, a chuisle.”
Her gaze shifted between his eyes and his lips as she echoed his words. “Two come together, blessed in the blood. My body, my spirit, and my heart are yours in every way. My love I give to you forever and a day.”
Bound together in heart and blood, they turned, facing their guests as Anu declared, “I pronounce you husband and wife. May your love be the guiding light for all your days. Blessed be.”
The wedding guests jumped to their feet, hooting and hollering, gathering around the married couple. Dar pulled Etain to him, kissing her passionately. Her heart beat like a bass drum as she melted into him.
Alatariel approached once again, the auburn-haired boy a step behind. “Dar, Etain, congratulations! You must come to Nunnehi once you've settled into your new life.” A small motion of her hand beckoned the boy closer. “I would like to bestow one more gift to each of you.” The cherub lifted the package. Alatariel untied the ribbon revealing a fabric that appeared to be in constant change. “I give you these cloaks made of a chameleon fabric that change to match their surroundings. Their power transfers to all dimensions and will protect you no matter what you may face.”
The couple thanked her warmly and invited her to celebrate with them. As they walked toward the white-draped tables set in the back garden, Alatariel told Etain the prophecy of Dar’s birth set out centuries ago. “A child destined to serve the light, but cursed by a legacy of darkness.”
Etain gazed dreamily at her husband. “Not anymore. A new legacy begins today.”
Dar gave her a strange look.
“Lady Etain,” Alatariel said, a sparkle in her eyes. “You remind me so much of a dear friend from long ago.”
“Me, Your Highness?”
“Please, call me Alatariel. We’re not holding court today.” They smiled easily at each other and took their seats at the wedding table. Spirit allowed the queen to sit next to Etain as she continued her story. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were the same.”
Etain was certain the woman was having a bit of fun at her expense. “She must be a great beauty,” she said, laughing.
“She was born a few turns before Dar, but he was intended for her.”
The smile on the bride’s face faded. “Oh?”
Alatariel either ignored her change in expression or did not notice. “Since Krymerians don’t age the same way as humans, there can often be what you consider several hundred years between the ages of spouses.”
“You don’t say.” Etain turned to her husband, raising a brow. “Did you forget that bit?”
Dar shrugged, grinning. “I grew up hearing the stories, but I never met the woman. She died before I was even born.”
She reached for the goblet set near her hand. “Would someone please pour me a red?” Dar absconded a bottle from a passing waiter. “Still, it would’ve been better to hear it from you.”
After filling her goblet and his, he shared the wine with those sitting close by as Alatariel continued her story. “Lyoness was a strong Krymerian warrior, known for her courage and relentless energy in battle. She would fight until she dropped from exhaustion. On several occasions, her kinsmen had to carry her from the battlefield. If she wasn't in the fight, she was helping with the wounded or encouraging her fellow warriors. Although she was a fierce warrior, she also had a fair complexion and silver hair.” She touched Etain’s arm. “And eyes of ice blue.” Etain held her gaze for a moment, blinked, then looked away. The queen removed her hand and sat back. “Sadly, she died before her time, betrayed by someone she trusted.”
“So yer saying our lass here is this Lyoness come back from the dead?” Inferno asked, a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
Alatariel smiled. “Not at all. Her spirit is like that of Lyoness, but she is her own person.”
“Not to sound disrespectful, Alatariel, but you’re mistaken.” Etain felt Dar stiffen behind her. “I don’t relish the fight, nor do I have what it takes to lead warriors into battle.”
The queen touched Etain’s hand, amused by her words. “She said the same when she was young. Her only desire was to be wed and raise a family, but fate had other plans.”
Etain grunted in a most unladylike fashion. “Fate. What an interfering little bitch. That’s one I’d love to pimp slap into the next millennium.”
Dar laughed at Etain’s response and the surprised look on the queen’s face. He gave his new bride a tight hug. “That’s my fiery vixen.”
Wrapped in his arms, Etain’s anger dissolved. “Forgive me, Alatariel. A slip of the tongue.”
“Not to worry,” Alatariel chuckled. “I admire a woman who speaks her mind. I look forward to a long friendship.”
“I’d like that.” She smiled and raised her glass. “Lyoness must have been quite a woman, especially if she was deemed worthy of my Dar.”
Alatariel flashed a knowing smile. “She was an indomitable spirit, milady. As are you.” She stood and leaned down, kissing Etain on the forehead, then Dar. “Now. We must be on our way. Please come to Nunnehi soon.”
The wedding party bid farewell with promises to visit. Alatariel and her small escort walked toward the main gates and faded in a warm glimmer. The foursome breathed a deep sigh, shared a look of embarrassment, and laughed.
Linq grabbed his goblet and stood, a large smile on his face. “A toast to the bride and groom. May the light of friendship guide your path. May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home. May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips and a twinkle from your eye. And, when eternity beckons at the end of a life heaped high with love, may the Creator embrace you with arms that have nurtured you the whole length of your joy-filled days.
Everyone cheered. “Skál!”
Inferno waited until the glasses were refilled and raised another to
ast. “May the goddess be with you and bless you. May you see your children's children. May you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward. Slainte!”
At this point, Elfin and Wolfe decided to offer their blessings, Elfin beginning. “There are four things you must never do: lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death, and if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.”
Not to be outdone, Wolfe immediately followed with one of his own. “Friends, I hope you do four things in life: lie, steal, cheat, and drink.” He winked at Elfin. “When you lie, do it to save a friend. When you steal, steal someone's heart. When you cheat, cheat death. And when you drink, drink with me!” Laughter filled the garden as they raised their glasses.
“Oh-ho,” exclaimed Elfin. “May you be welcomed in Heaven at least an hour before the Devil knows you're dead!”
Wolfe narrowed his eyes. “May those who love us, love us, and those who don't, may the Creator turn their hearts. If he can't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping.”
Inferno stepped around the table as Elfin opened his mouth again. “Boys, ta for the…colorful blessings. I'm sure our guests would like to have a bite to eat before they're too drunk to realize they're hungry.”
The two displayed huge grins and raised their goblets. “Cheers, boss!”
The afternoon passed in a tapestry of laughter and well-wishes. Silver platters of roasted meats, garnished by a colorful assortment of grilled vegetables, sat at the end of two long tables. An array of hot, meat pies, Cornish pasties, and sausage rolls enticed even the staunchest dieter with their delights encased in flaky shells of puff pastry. An English favorite, chips, fried to golden perfection, took center stage, flanked by fresh fruits and cheeses. At the opposite end was an array of freshly baked breads, pies bursting with fruit, and puddings that demanded a slathering of rich cream. Kegs of beer stood ready, bottles of wine adorned each table, and for those too young or not of the alcoholic persuasion, an array of sodas, tea, and coffee awaited.